5 Spring Color Palettes to Inspire Freshness and Warmth

5 Spring Color Palettes to Inspire Freshness and Warmth

It is slowly starting to get warmer here in New England! The increased sunshine and warmth is feeling AMAZING. It certainly feels like a great time to freshen the colors around you. Whether you are redesigning a room in your home, or revitalizing your graphics and branding, these Spring color palettes will inspire freshness and warmth.

These palettes are borrowed from Design Seeds – one of my FAVORITE places to get color inspiration!

1. Flora Tones

Peonies have always been a favorite for me. These soft pinks that fade to beige elicit feelings of calm, gentleness, and femininity.

Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul. Luther Burbank. Flora Tones.

2. Flora Hues

This dark, slate blue-gray ties this palette together for me. This unexpected combination of silvery lavender and pale green bring an air of new life with a solid foundation.

Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat. Laura Ingalls Wilder. Flora Hues.

3. Succulent Hues

I can’t resist a succulent palette! These soft shades are perfect for celebrating all things new.

No Matter How Long the Winter, Spring is Sure to Follow. English Proverb. Succulent Hues.

4. Paper Flora

These pale pinks are so popular right now. With a punch of olive green, this palette is feminine, yet grounded.

Spring is when life's alive in everything. Christina Rossetti. Paper Flora.

5. Color Field

I’m a little biased toward purple, but purple flowers are the epitome of springtime! These shades of blue and subtle mint green make this such a lively and exciting color palette for spring.

Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own. Charles Dickens. Color Field.

I hope you find these palettes for spring as inspiring as I do, as we welcome in a season of growth, newness, warmth, and life! If you want to see more color inspo, click here for more blog posts or click here to see my pinterest board.

I’d love to hear from you- which spring color palette is your fave? What words and colors come up for you when you visualize springtime?

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