As I learn how to run my own small business and connect with other small business, I can’t help but see the signs of burnout everywhere. The idea of balance can feel so elusive- I got stuff to do! If you’re not working on my business, it can feel like you’re actively losing money. I get it! So today I want to dig into 5 ways you may be unknowingly fueling your burnout and overwhelm.⠀
1. You don’t set clear, attainable goals daily.
Setting out to do “as much as you can” is not an achievable goal. The finish line moves further away the closer you seem to get. It’s no wonder you feel burnt out if you feel like you’re never reaching your goals!
I’ve heard it recommended that you put just THREE things on the list, knowing that the last one might not get done. That’s really just TWO things!
As I’m writing this, my two goals are to write 5 Instagram posts and organize my bookmarks on Chrome. If I can complete those two things, I will feel accomplished and more satisfied with my work!⠀
2. You’re not scheduling rest.
So much of our lives are scheduled and in contained blocks in our calendars. Why not schedule rest?
Back in the “before” time when I worked a “normal” job, when I would see big chunks of my time getting booked with work, I would put a “day off” in my schedule where I needed them. It reminded me to not fill that time simply because it was empty. When that day was far off, it didn’t feel like I would need the day off, but when the day came, I DEFINITELY needed it. Scheduling a day off and sticking to it is one way to fend off burnout.
The same mentality can be used in your daily schedule. Set a timer to get up and take a break every 30-60 minutes. Schedule in a long lunch. Set yourself a cut-off time to call it quits for the day. Your body & mind will thank you.
3. You’re an “obliger.”⠀⠀
Gretchen Rubin (Author of The Four Tendencies) says “Obligers meet outer expectations, but struggle to meet inner expectations.”
Are you so busy saying yes to others that you keep saying no to your own goals? Are you giving other people the free time that you need for yourself? Are you sacrificing your sleep, eating habits, or other self-care because you don’t want to disappoint?
One sign of burnout is when you start to feel resentful about what others ask you to do. You probably started your business with a desire to make the world a better place; if you’re resenting that goal, or notice you don’t CARE about that outcome, that is a sign that you need a break.
This comes back to my life value of Authenticity. Some seasons of life are more draining, and some people can make it really hard for you to say no. But ask yourself if you are just obliging- if you say yes but you truly don’t feel it. If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.
4. You take work home.
Ok, if you’re anything like me, you may sit on the couch at the end of the day, and suddenly your mind is churning with ideas. Suddenly things need checking and fixing, but you were supposed to be done with work for the day!
It can be helpful to get a piece of paper and do a brain dump. I know that helps me relax, because I feel like those thoughts are safely contained, and not lost to my terrible memory. Get it all out, and then commit to focusing on relaxing and being present.
Learning to turn off your work brain is a daily practice, but you can get better at it.
5. You think you need to do it all yourself.
This is essentially Authentic Vision Media’s message: you don’t have to do it all yourself.
I bet you know a few people who are good at the things you struggle with. Could you employ them to take something off your plate? How many hours of your workday do you spend STRUGGLING through something you hate or don’t know how to do? Wouldn’t it be worth it to pay an expert? Then you’d have those hours free for the things you are good at. And you’re basically doubling the effort being put into your business.
Are you fueling your burnout?
Do you see yourself in any of these habits? What changes can you make today to stop overwhelming yourself and start feeling rested and balanced?
And if planning your social media is one of the tasks that bogs you down and leaves you feeling stuck and uninspired, I made a guide just for you.
In this guide, you’ll learn…
- The types of content you should be posting.
- How to multiply your ideas, so you’re not coming up with ONE idea at a time.
- How to come up with a posting schedule that works for you!
- The one thing that’s way more important than content.
Grab your free copy right away.
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