Hiring a social media manager is a big milestone in your business! Not to mention a total game-changer! What a huge relief to have an expert’s dedication to your business’ social media marketing. You can finally rest assured that you are showing up consistently and authentically on social media, and that your online presence is focused on the goals of your business.
The fact that you are reading this shows that you are at the stage in your small business where you are considering outsourcing! Today I want to give you a few guidelines to help you determine if you are ready to hire a social media manager.
1. You find yourself posting on social media last minute, if you get around to it at all.
You know how it goes- when you’re busy working in your business, working ON your business can often take a back seat.
Successful social media marketing really requires consistency. And in order to achieve consistency, you really need to have a clear plan in place and time set aside to put the plan into action.
If you’re getting to the place in your business where social media is constantly getting bumped down the to-do list, you might be ready to hire a social media manager.
When you’ve hired a social media manager, you’ll never again accidently not post for a few weeks. And you’ll never have to whip up a post real quick just to get something out there. You can finally be AHEAD of your social media- announcing big news ahead of time, consistently sharing your offerings, and establishing your brand voice.
2. You’re not sure if what you’re posting is bringing results.
Not only will a social media manager craft a customized strategy based on your goals, but they will also keep a close eye on your results, so that you can actually know what is and isn’t working.
Analyzing the data takes time and practice. A social media expert can tell you what numbers matter and what is normal, so you don’t have to learn a whole new skill. A social media manager can save you time by analyzing the data and telling you just what you need to know to move forward. You shouldn’t have to struggle with your own marketing, and there is no need to waste money on tactics that don’t work.
(At Authentic Vision Media, I use Fanbooster, because the reporting is unbeatable.)
3. You don’t know how to attract “your people” on social media.
In addition to your content strategy, your social media manager can handle outreach and engagement. Engaging with new accounts on social media is the number one way to bring in new followers.
Social media is meant to be social. Posting & ghosting will get you nowhere. A good social media manager will dig deep into your brand and message so that they can authentically represent you on social media while they reach out and engage with new accounts for you.
4. Your lack of time is holding you back from building your business.
As a business owner, the biggest bottleneck is you. Your main job is to empower your team to do their jobs, so that you can focus on money-generating activities.
If your social media is beginning to suck your CEO time, you are doing your business a disservice by not handing it off to a dedicated social media manager, who will give your social media the time and energy it deserves.
You don’t need to do every task in your business. You should be doing what you’re good at & love doing. A strong leader delegates.
So are you ready to hire a social media manager?
Only you can say when it is truly the right time. As scary as it can feel to invest in social media management, it should also feel liberating. It should feel like the answer to your problems.
If you read this post and feel like I am talking directly to YOU, I would love to chat with you more about how I can help with your social media. I invite you to schedule a call with me when you’re ready.
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