Consistent posting on social media is great, and for all of you doing it, I give you a round of applause! But there is a missing piece to the social media puzzle that I see a lot of people forgetting to include in their content and that is CONNECTION.
I would rather see you being inconsistent with your social media, while sharing messages that land with your people, than seeing you post every day with content that no one can connect with.
How do you connect with them and show up with the guidance they need from you?
So glad you asked. Here are three places that you can dig into to make sure that your message is aligned with your audience’s needs right now.
1. Notice Themes in Your Work
Sometimes it can be helpful to step outside of your business (don’t worry, it’s just for a minute or two!) and see things from an outside perspective. When you do, you might find that there are common patterns amongst your clients, or everyone in your community seems to be struggling with the same thing, or you are seeing the same trends over and over again.
This is a great place to go when looking for guidance as to what your people need from you.
- Has everyone been having a really heavy week? Perhaps they need some lightness and inspiration!
- Is everyone judging themselves and tearing themselves down? Time to step in as the thought leader.
- Are you repeatedly seeing the same mistakes or challenges? Maybe it’s time for some education around that area.
- Is there a myth circulating around that needs to be busted?
Tune in to what your people are thinking and feeling, and get clues from what they are saying and asking. That is most likely leading you straight to what they need to hear from you, too!
2. Notice Themes in the World Around You
If 2020 taught us anything, it’s just how interconnected we all are and that A LOT can happen in a year. We’re constantly receiving information from the news, social media, as well as our family and friends. As a coach and healer, you’re probably pretty tuned in and returning to some of the same truths and teachings to comfort both yourself and others during hard times. Share some of these with your social media audience! They want to hear your thoughts, opinions, where you stand, and how you are dealing with things, too.
And when it’s time to celebrate together, they also want to see that you’re waving the flag of victory!
3. Teach What You’ve Learned
It’s cliché, I know, but we really do learn something new everyday, don’t we? It’s cliché for a reason, because it’s true! One of the most powerful things you can share is your own stories of personal growth and transformation. What milestones are taking place in your life right now that are shifting your mindset and understanding? What has taken place in the past where you have learned something about yourself or the word around you? Where are you stretching and growing?
We are all at different stages in our journey and your past or present is someone else’s future. What you are going through, or have gone through, is where somebody else has been or will be. Help them by sharing your story, your journey of transformation, so we can all lift one another up and grow.
Once you tap into the message of what your audience needs from you, you will likely begin to feel it and know. People will share with you that something you said spoke “right to them”. If you get stuck or in a rut, you can always come back to these three things to find the pulse of where your people are.
And remember, once you’ve zeroed in on the message, don’t be afraid to show up and share it!
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